NASA is a diverse community. Its members come from different academic fields and cultural backgrounds. This directory gives a snapshot of such a variety and helps to grasp “who’s who” in the Dutch American Studies scene.
Becker, Sandra:
20th- and 21st-Century US Popular Culture (particular Television and TV Series), Men and Masculinity Studies, Gender Studies and Intersectional Theory, Audience Reception Studies
Berk, Jorrit van den:
American foreign policy, Transatlantic relations, public diplomacy, American history, American politics
Blaustein, George:
US cultural and literary history
Bloemendal, Albertine:
US foreign policy and the history of transatlantic relations
Blommers, Heleen:
US History, Social and Economic History, War on Poverty, US Domestic Policy, US Welfare, and Rhetoric
Boyden, Michael:
American literature, ecocriticism, Anthropocene studies, and critical sustainability studies
Brennan, Paul:
US Political and Reform Movements
Chen, Shu-Chien:
Tax Law
Cohen Stuart, Herman:
Edward S. Curtis, Native Americans: photography, history, culture
Di Tommaso, Gaetano
US Foreign Relations, US Energy Policy, Transatlantic Relations, Environmental History, History of the Oil and Gas Industry
Ellethy, Manar:
Cultural studies, intersection between American visual culture and politics
Fazzi, Dario:
US foreign policy history, cold war, transatlantic relations, peace history
Galema, Annemieke:
Migration to the USA 19th and 20th century. Innovation and impact in academic surroundings
Gawthorpe, Andrew:
American foreign and security policy, American political/diplomatic history, contemporary American politics
Groenendijk-de Vos, Tanja:
US Political System, US Elections, Transatlantic Relations, Pilgrims who left from Rotterdam, Transatlantic migrants, who left from Rotterdam, US Supreme Court, Early NL/US business relations, How the US States got their shapes
Haar, Roberta N.:
International Relations
Heiden, Peter van der:
Presidential history, modern populist parties. Currently working on the position of Dutch populist parties vis-a-vis Covid, planning to make that a broader international comparative study (including the US)
20th century US history; gender and masculinity; fascist sympathies; New Left activism; emotions; social movements; autobiographies
Janssen, Marian:
American Studies, literature, poetry, biography
Jelfs, Tim:
US culture, literature and politics in the 20th and 21st centuries
Kennedy, Oran Patrick:
19th Century US History, African American History, Social History, Transnational Studies, Migration Studies
Native American and Indigenous Studies, 19th Century US Military History, American West
US Constitutional Law and constitutional history, functiong of US democracy and electoral system, presidential accountability, religious freedom. Continuing dangers to American democracy
Manizza Roszak, Suzanne:
Multi-ethnic US and hemispheric American literature, Italian American literature and culture, children’s and YA literature, diaspora studies, gender studies, critical race theory
Martinez, Anne M:
US-Mexican relations, US-Mexico border, Catholicism, Catholic Missionary Work with People of Colour, Nationalism, Race
Mehring, Frank:
Transatlantic Transfer, German-American Encounters/Confrontations, Marshall Plan, American Music, American visual culture (film and art)
Miceli, Barbara:
American Literature, Media
Müller, Viola F.:
Runaway slaves in the urban US South
Nijdam, Celia:
Federal Theatre Project, American Literature and Culture
Pargas, Damian Allen:
Slavery, African-American History, History of the US South
Polak, Sara:
Presidential media, 20th and 21st American literature and culture, memory studies, social media, comics studies
Twentieth-century US history; histories of gender, race & sexuality; conservative and right-wing movements; cultural history; intellectual history.
van Ravenhorst, Bert:
The United States in the 1960s; The War on Poverty
Rijks, Maud
Environmental Justice, Anti-toxics Movements, US (Military) Power
Rijn, Guido van:
African-American blues and gospel music
Roberts, Kathryn:
American Literature, American Studies
Roza, Mathilde:
Canadian and US American literature; North-American Indigenous Studies; transatlantic public diplomacy
Schmidli, William Michael:
US foreign relations history, US political history, human rights history
Schute, Marcella:
The history of slavery and African-American history
Siemens, Maaike:
African-American history
Suslenko, Ilia S.
American Studies: US Politics and Foreign Policy
Tap, Timotheus:
US Foreign Relations
Verheul, Jaap:
Transatlantic Relations, American studies
Visser-Maessen, Laura:
Black history and activism in US and trans-Atlantic context
Black resistance in the 20th century (especially Black Power), African diaspora, transnational activism, social movements, food history
Indigenous Literary Studies, Social Movement Studies, Environmental Humanities, Settler Colonial Studies
Wetering, Carina van de:
US foreign and security policy, US-India relations, foreign policy analysis, International Relations
Metamodernism, Contemporary American Literature, The Historical Novel, Paranoia, Nostalgia, Cultural Memory Studies, Conspiracy Theories, American history and politics during the 1960s, post-9/11 America, history and politics in the 21st century
Early & 19th-century American literature; early African American literature; American Studies; circum-Atlantic periodicals & print culture
Zwiers, Maarten:
Rural Studies, History and culture of the (contemporary) US South