Netherlands American Studies Association

Call for Papers: NASR Fall 2023

The Netherlands American Studies Review is the student journal of the Netherlands American
Studies Association (NASA). First published in the Spring of 2020, the Netherlands American
Studies Review aims to showcase excellent student work from Dutch universities related to
North American history, politics, literature, and society. We are now accepting submissions for the Fall 2023 edition of the review.

We welcome papers written by bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD students from Dutch universities.
Students do not have to be enrolled in an American Studies program, but submissions must be
relevant to at least one of the (sub)fields mentioned above. Recent graduates can send in work
written in the last two years.

Students can submit either book reviews (350-400 words) or papers (2000-5000 words).
Papers may be based on a thesis, as long as they are shortened to meet the word limit.

You can read more and download the call for papers here. Authors should observe the guidelines stated in the call for papers before submitting their work. Submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Please email submissions to before September 24, 2023.

Read the previous issues of the NASR here!